Life as I see it,sometimes without my first cup of coffee.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Focus on the Target

I was watching my grandson play soccer this past week-end. Cute little tykes in their mini shin guards and massive energy levels.
We'd giggle at the goalie staring at the sky, waving to a friend, and rarely noticing the approaching ball until it was too late. Surprising even then, were the number of times a save was made. Never really anything the goalie did, but the kicker would hammer the ball straight into their legs, arms, face. You see, at this learning stage, the kids are focused on getting the ball past the goalie, but not into the net. By focusing on the obstacle, they set themselves up for success, except in this case, they succeed in hitting the goalie, not making the goal.
Later on I began to think about this in our own lives. We see an obstacle in our life and focus on it The result is the same as this youth soccer game, we hit the obstacle, and never the goal.
Focus instead on where you want to be in life, not on what's stopping you.

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